to Read
Reading is given the ultimate priority at Bluebell Primary because it is the key to accessing, understanding and enjoying the rest of the curriculum.
At Bluebell Primary School, we recognise the importance of early reading. We use a systematic phonics program called Read Write Inc to teach and introduce early reading skills. Read Write Inc phonics lessons teach children to read accurately and fluently, with developing comprehension skills. Children also learn to form letters, spell and compose sentences.
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are assessed regularly and assigned to a small group at their level. They take part in daily phonics lessons, but many children also have additional have 1:1 or small group sessions later in the day for additional practice.
Home school reading books are linked to RWI to ensure children make continued progress by reading familiar books with levels of progression.
If children in KS2 join us and they do not yet have strong enough decoding skills, we use Read Write Inc’s Fresh Start to develop their fluency and comprehension.
Once the children have completed the RWI program, they move onto RWI Comprehension. During this time children develop reading fluency, comprehension and responses to a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. They will continue to practise the “speed sounds”, but also move onto Year 2 spelling patterns from the National Curriculum.
Once the children are reading at “white level” books or above, they are able to move on to Destination Reader. The principles of Destination Reader are centred on book talk, to enable a quality reading experience and promote enjoyment, thus increasing reading mileage. The daily sessions explicitly teach key comprehension strategies, which help children to develop their thinking and understanding of what they are reading.
In addition to the above, children are encouraged to read regularly at home with their parents and are rewarded with “Reading Raffle” tickets. Each day finishes with a shared story time. Books that enhance the teaching of the curriculum are readily available in every classroom. Good quality texts are used as models for writing. The library has recently had an upgrade to make it a great place for reading and learning.