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Our school meals are cooked on site by Aspens.


Meals are ordered daily in class at registration. Menus are shared here or on Class Dojo, or a copy can be collected from the school office. 


Payment should be made to the school office at the beginning of each week for regular meals, or can be on the day for casual meals. 


Meals are £2.50 per day for pupils in Years 3- 6, if they are not entitled to free school meals.


All Reception to Year 2 children are entitled to “universal free school meals” which means there are no charges to parents.

If your income/circumstances change, check online to see if your child can receive free school meals. This applies to ALL years from Rec – Y6, because by registering for free school meals, the school also receives Pupil Premium funding to provide additional support in school.


Check and Apply for Free School Meals

It is really important to let us know of any dietary requirements or allergies – the kitchen can accommodate most special diets.

If a child is going to be late to school e.g. up late or dentist appointment etc please let the office know by 9am if they require a school meal.

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